Friday, April 22, 2005

Just say no??!?

America has a no problem. We want to say it when we shouldnt and dont say it when we should. It may be universal but I can only speak for America. Actually I can only speak for myself so lets put it that way. I have a no problem. This is should be treated like every other disease. Because of my no problem, I am overworked, underpaid and gaining weight. We have so many reasons to NOT say no. Or excuses rather. Let me give an example I saw recently...

In line to satisfy another addiction at my place of work, an egregiously overweight woman has just ordered. By overweight, I mean she can go 3.5 stones easy. The transaction was something like this.

"Would you like whipped cream?" the non-barista asks.
"Oh, I guess." 3.5 stones replies.
The non-barista hands her a Super Big Gulp sized mocha blended ice cream drink, with whipcream oozing from the slurpee top. At this, the woman sees me and, as she lifts the straw to her lips states, "I am SO tired today."

If you are tired, have a double shot, have a vivarin, something other than a pacific ocean of sugar and fat in a cup. Say no. Deny yourself. I am in need of this advice as well. A pint of Hagen Daaz coffee IC before bed isnt showing the best will power.

The rest of the day, Morrissey and Marr haunted my psyche - "Fat girl with a mocha, I know, I's serious."


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Arizona has no affiliation with the state of the same name, nor does he reflect the views and opinions of any officials or public in said state. Arizona's views are strictly his own and do not reflect those of his friends, family, employer, or furry woodland creatures known to live near his home. Comments and requests for information should be directed to Arizona Audio Works.